Time & Attendance Management Software(TAMS)
Microtelesoft (TAMS) – is a comprehensive Time & Attendance Management
Solution designed and developed to cater to various organizational time management
objectives like working time schedules with shift definitions, workdays, holidays.
User defined Time & Attendance, events and categories like Arrival, Departure, Sick
Leave, Annual Leave and more. It also provides various managerial functions and
a report writer tool to generate user defined reports with various permutation and
Microtelesoft (TAMS) allows configuration of work timings, as per user-defined shifts
with provision for allotting time off, lunch and other breaks. The different work
& timings management are defined as below.
Microtelesoft (TAMS) can be integrated with your PayRoll related activities in a simple
and powerful way. User definability and flexibility are the cardinal features of
MicrotelesoftTAMS. It can be configured to meet virtually any organization’s specification.
A simplified module for the tracking of casual and contract workers presence without
assigning them to any specific pre-set schedule. Time management policies can be
user configured to suit individual organizational needs. Time & attendance policy
can be defined on overtime, late comings, early goings and other restrictions based
on department, designation or at individual level.
Microtelesoft (TAMS) enables access via Intranet or Internet using web browser. It
has been designed to provide facilities for user on the move. It can be implemented
at huge or wide area wise dispersed systems with a large number of clients.
Microtelesoft allows online web punch-In and Punch-Out on a day to day basis
or on defined schedules in addition to external standalone biometric, proximity
or other devices. It further allows employees to submit their time sheets online
to line managers for approval before they are send for payroll processing.
- 100% Web Based.
- Lower Cost of Ownership.
- Quickest Deployment Time.
- No redundant Data & Biz logic.
- Easy customization.
- Integration – existing systems.
- Dash Board / Intranet Features.
- Themes / Skin Option
- Administration Module
- 100% Web based Solution, supports Cloud infrastrcutre as well.
- Accessible on Laptops, Desktops, iPADs, Tablets, Smart Phones etc. irrespective of their Operating System.
- Unicode Based Multi Lingual Complilant. For Arabic LTR Support.
- Upload using Excel / .CSV files.
- Multi Document attachment facility (even scanned copies can be attached)
- Tightly Integrated modules ensures replication of data cross functionalities - avoid duplicate / same entry multi times.
- Inbuilt Middle-ware for To & Fro Data Sharing
- Latest Technology - Microsoft Visual Studio 2012, ASP.NET 4.5, C#, Ajax, XML / JSAN, MVC Architecture. Support MS SQL 2005 onwards and Oracle 8i onwards.
- Archhitecture / Performance / Scalability Certified by Microsoft
- Horizontal & Vertical Scalability
- Report Generation Tool - Letter Based / Data based / Graphical Reports - with Automated Delivery Facililty
- Lowest cost of Ownership
- Access the application any client - Only browser is required
- Compliance to all Browsers (IE, Netscape, Fire fox, etc.)
- Two Way (Push / Pull ) Email / SMS Notifications / Alerts / Reminders / Escalations
- Supports SaaS model within your Group - Group companies can access the same product...
- Quickest Implementation Time - Flat 4 - 8 Weeks Go Live...
- Fastest Support Policies ensures ontime Resolution
- Configurable User Designations / Reporting Roles