Office Automation Software
Microtelesoft's Office Automation Software is a comprehensive information system that addresses all the
needs of an enterprise with the process view of an organization, to meet the organizational
goals and integrate all the functions of the enterprise. MicrotelesoftOffice is
a fully scalable, robust and 100% Web based office Automation System that automates
both internal and external processes of your company. MicrotelesoftOffice includes
Employee Self Service Module along with intuitive CRM, decision support and e-business
modules and a powerful technology infrastructure – all the tools you need to enhance
the productivity and profitability of your operations. MicrotelesoftOffice can be
interfaced with any other systems seamlessly.
- HR & Payroll
- Documents & Invoices
- Asset Maintenance
- Customer Relationships
- Sales & Marketing
- Materials & Procurement
- Legal Matters
- Workflow
- Material / Document Tracking