InstiView Document Management Software

InstiView is the Next Generation Interactive Platform that delivers data to the end-users in a most user friendly method along with Corporate Branding & Marketing.

InstiView Document Management Software

InstiView is the Next Generation Interactive Platform that delivers data to the end-users in a most user friendly method along with Corporate Branding & Marketing. InstiView is designed and developed considering the fact “Internet of Things” wherein the usage of Mobile Devices like Smart Phones and Tablets are increasing day by day. The delivery channels of today like PDF and standard HTML standards are not comfortably viewable / accessible to the end users due to different devices are being used. Hence, sending these attachments are only formality without yielding required results.

Every association is sending various types of communications to association members like monthly Newsletters, etc., as PDF files over email. These communications are DUMB letters that are the near replica of print letters that can be read with no additional values. Then these PDF statements are not viewable perfectly with latest gadgets of IPAD, iPhone and Android etc., To overcome this issue from the receiver end, first time, SunSmart offers to the world, Instiview-Interactive e-Statement has an innovative and intelligent application for management reporting & customer communications sent as email attachments.

It's time for a change.

For the first time, Sunsmart offers to the world, lnstiView- The Innovative & Intelligent offline Statements & Top Management Reporting.

InstiView - is an innovative and intelligent, one of a kind interactive statement specifically designed and delivered for Banking, Financial Services, Insurance and Securities companies.

InstiView - delivers Password Protected Credit Card Statements, Bank Account Statements, Finance Statements, Mutual Fund Statements, Equity & Related Statements and any other similar statements to the customers with LIVE and INTERACTIVE actions delivered through the latest HTML 5.0, and hence make it guaranteed access across all gadgets and devices.

Single statement for multiple relationships of customers across different products. There can be multiple dashboards and tabs for viewing various information like Relationship Summary, Options for communicating back to the bank from the PDF file, viewing of Quick links, call center details, Statement for that period with search option, Rewards & Loyalty points, e-Vouchers with Barcode and Print Option etc. Intelligent Search that enables the customers to search across all accounts & relationships and delivers results which is quite difficult (sometimes impossible!) to accomplish even at a core system level.

The Admin Module of InstiView helps you in managing & tracking the generation and delivery options. Customers can just an email / SMS from their registered Number or Email and system will send the Statement within seconds. Further all the Reports / Statements can be password protected aiming at larger securities. Data is 128 bit encrypted such that source cannot be viewed or hacked.

InstiView is capable of pulling data from multiple sources irrespective of the RDBMS or DWH and BI already available with the corporate. InstiView is one of the important delivery channels without any need for changing the current investments. InstiView ensures multi-fold Return on Investment (RoI) as InstiView is a Powerful Direct Sales & Cross Sell Tool. With the “Click & Call Back” facility, even at Mid-night customers can make just a click on a button towards queries or sales interest and would be called back at his convenient time from the Corporate there by not loosing the customer in terms of both service and sales.

Further InstiView is a powerful tool that is capable of generating personalized Statements with targeted marketing campaigns which will result into best ever sales possible.

InstiView Changes the way how the MIS Reports been viewed by Top Management all these days. No need to run into Hundreds of pages of report pulled out of DWH / BI Tools. Often finding required information easily and quickly is a challenge at their convenient time offline. Now InstiView is the offline Business Intelligence Dashboard such that any information can be easily and readily viewable even on Flights or during travels.


  • Email Gateway Configuration.
  • Manual Resend of Statements.
  • Statistics & Analysis of Cycles.
  • Customer Portal for online access.
  • Hold | Deactivate Customer List.
  • Auto-send Statements based on Email / SMS.


  • 100% Web based Solution, supports Cloud infrastrcutre as well.
  • Accessible on Laptops, Desktops, iPADs, Tablets, Smart Phones etc. irrespective of their Operating System.
  • Unicode Based Multi Lingual Complilant. For Arabic LTR Support.
  • Upload using Excel / .CSV files.
  • Multi Document attachment facility (even scanned copies can be attached)
  • Tightly Integrated modules ensures replication of data cross functionalities - avoid duplicate / same entry multi times.
  • Inbuilt Middle-ware for To & Fro Data Sharing
  • Latest Technology - Microsoft Visual Studio 2012, ASP.NET 4.5, C#, Ajax, XML / JSAN, MVC Architecture. Support MS SQL 2005 onwards and Oracle 8i onwards.
  • Archhitecture / Performance / Scalability Certified by Microsoft
  • Horizontal & Vertical Scalability
  • Report Generation Tool - Letter Based / Data based / Graphical Reports - with Automated Delivery Facililty
  • Lowest cost of Ownership
  • Access the application any client - Only browser is required
  • Compliance to all Browsers (IE, Netscape, Fire fox, etc.)
Microtelesoft approach is to take your project, and break it up into modules to quickly decide on your exact requirements. We will then build a quote, and a project plan after the work is agreed on.