Social Responsibilities

Social Responsibilities

Corporate Social Responsibility has always been an integral part Our business philosophy.

An essential component of our corporate social responsibility is to make a positive contribution to the underprivileged communities by supporting a wide range of socio-economic, educational and environmental initiatives. Being a progressive business also means doing the best for the environment and the communities that Microtelesoft becomes a part of. Our commitment to address important social needs extends throughout our business. Corporate social responsibility is not just a duty, its Microtelesoft's way of life.

Our Company is dedicated to preserving our environment. By adapting to new energy efficient technology and continually educating ourselves on the issues, Microtelesoft is constantly evolving and becoming more environmental friendly every day. Microtelesoft has undertaken internal initiatives around Green mission to reduce our carbon footprint. These initiatives include but not limited to, Recycling, Disposing Old Equipment, Server Virtualization, Energy Efficient Equipment, Remote Access, to name a few. Car pooling is a common feature amongst ISHIRites staying in neighboring locals.


Our volunteer with local orphanages, senior citizen homes and societies for prevention of cruelty towards animals, provide them with financial assistance and their support. During Our special events, some Non-Profits and NGOs are invited to participate in fund raising for their missions. We also raise money/make donations to help disaster victims. To improve community living standards, We regularly holds health and fitness events like blood donation camps, etc.


We believes that education is the key to personal empowerment and improved living standards.we Holds the programs being run by various NGO to help many under privileged children to Get their Educations.

Grow as a strong software company and outsourcing company in India, USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, China, Germany, France, Europe, South Africa and around the world.